Construction Project Of The Year Awards

Construction projects gone bad... The following pictures were sent to me by a friend that knows I do home inspections.  It's kind of humorous how some things happen in the process of putting a building together.  Blame it on the Contractor, blame it in the Architect, blame it on the Project Manager, whatever, these are pretty funny....Enjoy

I hope this one isn't in the snow belt...

I hope this one isn't in the snow belt...

Can you really see through that monitor?

Can you really see through that monitor?

At least there is a hand rail

At least there is a hand rail

Be careful when you take a right at the top of the stairs

Be careful when you take a right at the top of the stairs

The guy with the level showed up late that day.

The guy with the level showed up late that day.

Private Balcony

Private Balcony

Train tracks under the balcony

Train tracks under the balcony

Sometimes you just have to work around the streetlights

Sometimes you just have to work around the streetlights

Limited Access ATM

Limited Access ATM

Lack of a railing isn’t the only problem here

Lack of a railing isn’t the only problem here


Hey buddy, can you scoot over a little....

Hey buddy, can you scoot over a little....