
Leaking Faucet Creates Ice Dome

What happens when an exterior faucet drips in Minnesota in the Winter? You get an Ice Dome. Two things you want to make sure of is that faucets ar completely shut off and that you don't leave garden hoses hooked up. It is important that the anti frost valve is allowed to drain properly to prevent damage to the faucet

Small Water Savings Tips That Have A Big Impact

Water and Sewer bills can be as high as $500 for the average household. According to the EPA, you can save up to $170 per year and conserve resources by making just a few small changes in your water usage. From replacing old and inefficient appliances to making small changes in your home, you have the potential to realize savings.

Protecting Your Home During Severe Winter Weather

It’s the end of January, and with that comes cold, bitter weather here in the Rochester MN area. Higher energy costs, burst or frozen pipes, ice dams, chimney fires and power outages are just some of the hazards and inconveniences that winter can bring.

Garden Hoses Pose Potential For Frozen Water Lines

Leaving garden hoses connected to external water faucets can result in frozen and possibly split water lines. At this home inspection in Rochester MN, I came across two hose faucets that had garden hoses attached to them. These hose faucets are the Anti Freeze/Anti Siphon type and are designed not to freeze...provided you remove the garden hoses.

Rochester MN Home Inspectors Disclose Steps To A Dry Basement

There aren’t many things worse than walking across your basement, and suddenly getting your feet wet. Maybe the kids spilled something on the carpet or Fido had an accident. Then you realize there is a lot more water there than either could produce.

Home Inspection Detects Hazardous Gas

On a recent home inspection near Rochester MN, I came across what appeared to be a blocked chimney flue. Both the furnace and water heater were functioning properly with nice blue flames. I was however getting back draft Carbon Monoxide exhaust from both appliances.

Home Inspection Discloses How Not To Fix A Leaky Valve

There's more than one way to fix a leaky valve. In this particular instance the homeowner duct taped a sponge to the affected valve. As it leaked, the water dispersed through the sponge and evaporated, thus preventing a leak to whatever lay below...

Home Inspectors Discover Serious Water Heater Venting Problem

At a recent home inspection I came across a hot water heater in a utility closet in which the vent flue had become disconnected at the ceiling. In addition to the exhaust and CO venting directly to the closet, you can see that the paper on the adjacent sheetrock is heavily charred from the exhaust heat.

Vinyl Flooring Stains Around A Toilet Found During Home Inspection.

The gray, (and sometimes pinkish), stains below the surface of the vinyl flooring around your toilet may indicate water damage. When there are stains around your toilet, there is probably a leak in the wax seal ring that seals the toilet to the plumbing flange at the floor. Continued leaking over a period of time will rot the flooring under your toilet and eventually leak into the ares below.